Make Your Money Back Before Class Starts: 3 Steps You Can Take Right Now

Margaret Floyd Barry

June 29, 2023

Let me pull back the kimono on some key business intel for you: the absolute #1 reason people give for not registering for our training intensives is financial. 

I can’t afford it right now. 

It’s too expensive. 

I can’t justify the expense. 

I have heard just about every flavor of “it costs too much” and I want to address this straight up, because here’s the deal: we price our programs at the absolute lowest we can offer them while still maintaining the quality, the high-touch experience our alumni have come to love and expect from us, and the rigorous level of training and certification we believe is imperative when training how to use such powerful tools.

But I’m not here to justify the cost of our programs. I’m here to help you make it work. 

Not because I’m trying to sell you on our program (even though it’s excellent), not even for the difference it will make for your practice (which is tremendous). I’m here to fight for your clients. Because they need you to have these skills and we’ve got to find a way for you to get equipped, and to do so NOW. 

(Sidenote, never once in the history of RWS has an alumni said to us “I wish I’d waited to take this program”. The vast majority of our alumni – including myself!! – wish they’d had these tools sooner.) 

The great news is that there are some simple strategies you can do IMMEDIATELY on registration to pay for the course itself. You don’t have to wait until we’ve begun. You can start now. I’ve used variations of this exact strategy many times over in my practice, and it’s a great way to quickly inject some much-needed cashflow into your business, dramatically increase your commitment to truly understanding the materials, and build your expertise, referral base and confidence right out of the gate. 

Here’s what to do: 

Step 1: Create a package incorporating the skills you'll be learning in class and sell it right now. You'll factor in the costs of the tests you'll be learning in class, your time for client support throughout the process, and be sure to include the costs of scheduling a mentoring session with an RWP instructor, which will ensure you're truly mastering the test interpretation. You'll offer this package at a new introductory rate – the lowest price you'll ever offer it. 

Unsure how to structure and price it? Here’s a quick checklist: 

The cost of the tests you’re learning in class. Let’s use the tests you learn in our foundational course, Mastering the Art and Science of Gastrointestinal Healing, as a starting point:

+ 2 GI-MAP stool tests (a before and after) – based on current US prices, budget $350/test

+ 1 MRT food sensitivity test – based on current US prices, budget $375.

The cost of your initial consultation with the client (plan for 1.5hrs) 

The cost of your lab results review session (plan for at least 1hr) 

The cost of three 30-minute check-ins throughout the protocol 

The cost of your retest lab results review session (plan for at least 1hr) = 5 hours of client-facing time. (Unsure how to price this? We’ll dive more into this in the business module in class, but for now simply take your hourly rate and multiply it by 5. This is a beta-test anyhow, and far less than you’ll ever charge, so don’t fret about it being perfect – just start somewhere.)

The cost of an hour-long mentoring session to do a deep dive on this particular client. This piece is optional, but highly recommended as you’re still learning how to use these tools and getting that one-on-one mentoring on a specific client case is an excellent way to truly master this work. The cost ranges depending on the instructor but if you budget $200/250 you will be fine. 

Calculate the total of all of these elements and that is your one-time deeply discounted package price. Note that we’ve not included a budget for ANY of your learning time, the time it will take you to navigate the test, the time for the mentoring session, the time prepping and following up from client sessions, the time creating the protocols, or the time answering client emails in between sessions – this is a bare-bones package to get you started. 

Step 2: The moment you enroll in class, present this offer to your contacts. You can send an email to everyone on your list, post about this on social media, or even call them up personally and let them know the following: 

You’re upleveling your skills by studying with us at Restorative Wellness Solutions, the premier training program for health professionals integrating advanced tools of functional nutrition in their practice. 

You’re offering a deeply discounted package that includes all labs, all sessions with you, and unlimited email support in between sessions for only a limited number of clients. We recommend you limit this to 5 clients at the most. Even 1 client is an excellent starting point; 2-3 is an ideal sweet spot. Over 5 and you’re starting to get overwhelmed. 

Give them a deadline by which they need to commit to this – we recommend the deadline coincide with the first month of class. 

Step 3: Within the first two months of class, do your initial consultation with the client to get a full understanding of their health history, their symptom presentation, and their current diet, and then get them started on doing their first GI-MAP stool test and MRT food sensitivity test. 

By the time you’ve got the test results in hand and are ready to do that results review, you’ll be through the vast majority of class, you’ll understand the business model and how to structure your client support, you’ll have had the opportunity to do a mentoring session to review your interpretation of your client’s labs with an instructor, and you’ll be actively using the tools you’re learning with real, live, paying clients! There is no better way to fast-track your learning and growth as a practitioner than to learn by doing. 

And the major bonus? You have now officially paid for your tuition in the RWS program, and dramatically increased your return on that investment by jumping into the practical application of what we’re teaching you immediately, rather than waiting to be perfect. Mastering the art of imperfect action is one of the most important business building skills you can develop. 

Ready to hop in? Our next cohort of our foundational program, Mastering the Art and Science of Gastrointestinal Healing starts August 29th and there’s a spot with your name on it! Find out more and apply here. 

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